Only staff employed by the Irvington Club may give instruction on our courts.
Non-Members may register online through Club Automation after submitting a non-member application and EFT form.
Monthly After School Junior Tennis Lessons
2024 April Junior Lesson Info (PDF)
April Session sign-up dates:
Full Club & Associate Members: Sign-up on Monday, March 17th starting at 9:00am
Non-Members: Sign-up on Monday, March 24th starting at 9:00am
To register for the monthly lessons, participants must re-enroll each month for a given session.
To sign up for junior group lessons, members can sign-up online or call the front desk. Non-members can sign-up by calling the Front Desk.
For members, when you call in to sign-up, if you get the answering machine, do not leave sign-up registrations on the message. Please call back in. We answer calls in the order they are received and do not check the messages in between.
Summer Junior Tennis Lessons
2025 Registration Dates:
Member Registration: Monday, April 14th @ noon
Non-Member Registration: Tuesday, April 22nd @ noon
*We are still working on 2025 summer programming and will post all information here when ready.
Participants should register for the camp level that they are currently in. If interested in moving up in level, please contact the Pros.
2024 Summer Junior Tennis Lessons
2024 Summer Junior Tennis Lessons (PDF)
Full Club & Associate Members: Sign-up on Monday, April 15th starting at noon (online)
Non-Members: Sign-up on Monday, April 22nd starting at noon—in person at the Club w/ payment (cash or checks only) or online through Club Automation after submitting a non-member application and EFT form. The non-member application and EFT form must be submitted by our deadline of April 18th to create your online account in order to register online. Once we have you set up in Club Automation, we will notify via email with your login.
To register online, please follow these steps:
- Login to Club Automation ( If you don’t know your login, contact the front desk and we can give it to you. If you have not logged in before, you will need to create a password. You can do so by clicking “Forgot your password? in the login screen. Follow the instructions to setup your password, complete your contact information, and click to sign our waiver. If the system does not recognize your login, please call the front desk.
- Click “Register for Classes”
- On the next screen, you will see the classes listed at the bottom of the page. Select your program by clicking on the name of the program.
- On the next screen, you will see all the session dates available. Click on the button to the right of the session to register for your selection.
- Then select the family member who will be taking the class and click the “Add to Cart” button.
- Repeat these steps for every class each family member will be taking.
- Once all classes have been selected for each family member, click the “View Cart” button in upper right corner of the screen. All classes selected will be listed by family member. You can opt to cancel any class by clicking on the “X” next to the appropriate class.
- To complete your registration, click “Submit Payment”. You will be sent an email confirmation of your registration. Please note that you must click the “Submit Payment” button to register for classes. Classes sitting in the cart do not reserve the spot.
If you have any questions or need help registering, feel free to call the Club (503-287-8749).
Boys and girls from beginning to advanced levels are welcome in our junior classes. The summer classes are specifically designed for those who want to develop their tennis skills and playing strategies. All sessions cover basic techniques, stroke production, and point simulation. There are 9 one-week sessions to choose from. Below are the dates of the sessions as well as the specific class times.
Lessons run Monday – Thursday.
Session 1: June 17th – June 20th
Session 2: June 24th – June 27th
*No Classes held the week of July 4th
Session 3: July 8th – July 11th
Session 4: July 15th – July 18th
Session 5: July 22nd – July 25th
Session 6: July 29th – August 1st
Session 7: August 5th – August 7th
Session 8: August 12th – August 15th
Session 9: August 19th – August 22nd
Class Level |
Time |
Ages |
Member Cost Per Session |
Non-Member Cost Per Session |
Pee Wee
9:45am – 10:45am | 7-9 | $80.00 | $118.00 |
Futures | 10:45am – 12:30pm | 9 – 14 | $138.00 | $180.00 |
Power/High School | 12:30pm – 2:30pm | 10 – 18 | $157.00 | $207.00 |
*There is a maximum of 18 participants for the Pee Wee level and 24 participants for the Futures and Power/High School level in each camp per week.
CANCELLATION POLICY – Cancellations made 15 days or more in advance of the lesson start date will be charged a 10% fee. Cancellations made between 8 & 14 days in advance of the lesson start date will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations made less than 8 days of the lesson start date will not be refunded.
Junior Group Lessons
The Irvington Club has a very extensive junior program. Our juniors range from beginning pee-wee all the way to high school players vying for a State Championship. USPTA certified pros Walter Seidel and Cristobal Valverde will bring your juniors to the next level while instilling in the them the desire to play tennis for the rest of their lives!
Junior Private Lessons
To schedule a private lesson, please contact Walter Seidel or Cris Valverde at 503-287-8749. If a private lesson is cancelled less than 24 hours of the lesson, a $25 late cancellation fee will be charged.
The private lesson rates are as follows:
Lesson Length | Member Rate | Non-Member Rate |
1/2 hour | $37.00 | $46.00 |
3/4 hour | $52.00 | $59.00 |
1 hour | $65.00 | $75.00 |
Junior Tennis Group lessons go month to month.
Cancellation of a session later than the Wednesday prior to the session starting will be charged a $25 late cancellation fee.
Cancellations made during a session will be charged for the lessons that have occurred plus a $25 late cancellation fee.
Pee Wee Tennis Class
This is a split level class for children ages 4-6 and 7-9. Children will work on balance, ball recognition skills, hand/eye coordination, and eye tracking skills. Emphasis on fun, safety, rules of tennis, tennis vocabulary, and more fun. Requirements for Futures tennis include demonstration of passing the ball over the net and in play from both groundstrokes and volleys. Final decision on moving a child into the Futures Tennis Class is based on age and skill level and will be made by Walter and Cris.
Ages 4-9 | (Walter/Cris)
Futures Tennis Class
This is a split level class, ages 10-12 and 13-14.This class is intended for middle school kids still developing their technical abilities, dynamic balance, and ball recognition skills. Players work on proper grips, footwork patterns and contact moves, and consistency. Emphasis on controlling the ball, passing the ball over the net with margin of error, and keeping the ball in play. Requirements for promotion to Power Tennis include demonstrating proper control and consistency of groundstrokes, proper grips for the groundstrokes, and use of the continental grip for the volley. Final decision on moving a child into the Power Tennis Class is based on age and skill level and will be made by Walter and Cris.
Ages 10-12, Ages 13-14 | (Walter/Cris)
Power Tennis Class
This is a split level class, ages 10-12 and 13-14.This class is intended for middle school players who have begun to play competitive tennis (tournaments, USTA junior team tennis) and/or are preparing for high school tennis. Players will work on developing approach shots, volleys, and net skills pertinent to doubles. Players will also develop use of spins on their serve. Requirements for promotion to the High School Class include demonstration of directional control of the serve, volley, and groundstrokes, and demonstration of the grips used. Final decision on moving a child into the High School Class is based on age and skill level and will be made by Walter and Cris.
Ages 10-14 | (Walter/Cris)
High School Tennis Class
This is a split level class for junior varsity and varsity high school players. Participants will focus on developing a weapon, consistency, and singles and doubles tactics. Emphasis on serving and returning, as well as point play. Players in this class are encouraged to play tournaments and participate in junior team tennis.
Ages 14-18 | (Walter/Cris)