The Tennis Committee serves as the important link amongst club members, the board, and the Tennis Co-Directors, regarding tennis, team play, and court utilization issues. This committee responsively monitors court usage. It provides input to the board and to the GM on tennis programming, such as junior opportunities, adult drills, adult leagues, and open play opportunities for all members. The
committee meets monthly or as needed.
Composition: Comprised of 2 Trustees, one of whom serves as chair, the prior year’s TC chair, 2 Tennis
Co-Directors, and at least 4 members at large who are appointed by the BOT for 2 year terms. Voting
members of this committee are the chair and the appointed at large members.
Members of the Tennis Committee
Zoe Larkins – Chair
Lisa Lynch
Andrew Kohlmetz
Tracey Laidley
Keith Johnson
Tara Hendrickson
Javier Martinez Griffin
Sarah Schrott
Walter Seidel, Tennis Director
Cristobal Valverde, Co Tennis Director