The Irvington Club offers a Swim Membership for those people who are interested in the pool only. The Club currently offers 120 summer memberships which includes Family, Couple and Individual memberships. The summer membership runs from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Membership Renewal application forms will be emailed beginning mid-March 2024.
In order to be placed on The Irvington Club Swim Membership waiting list, a $200.00 non-refundable deposit is required. The deposit is applied toward your initial summer’s Swim Membership fee.
Swim Membership fees are set by the Board. The Board shall have the power to change deposit fees, membership fees, or other charges if the Board feels that to do so would be in the best interest of the Club.
The Irvington Club cannot guarantee a date when you will be invited to join. We can attempt to estimate a time line, but because memberships only become available as current Swim Members decline to renew, it is difficult to give an accurate timeline. Historically, approximately 20 memberships become available each summer.
To ensure members quality usage, The Irvington Club Board of Trustees instituted a swim membership cap. The current total Swim Membership cap is 120, which includes Family, Couple and Individual memberships. This number may be changed at the Board’s discretion.
When an applicant is invited, they will be offered the Full Membership. Declining membership offer will result in dropping to the bottom of the waitlist. Declining a second time will result in being dropped from the waiting list and forfeiting the non-refundable deposit.
Membership deposits are non-transferable and must be used by the applicant.
Swim Members are re-invited to join annually. Members will receive a renewal notification in March with a deadline for renewal in April. Membership renewals must be paid in full by the published deadline.
If members decline to return the following season they will have to return to the waitlist in order to rejoin (and place a non-refundable deposit).
For members who would like to retain their membership during a season where they will have limited or no use of the pool, they can join as an Individual.
In the situation where an applicant is on both the Swim Membership waitlist and the Full Tennis Club waitlist and they are admitted as a Full Tennis Club member before they are invited to join as a Swim Member, their deposit for the Swim Membership will be applied to their Tennis Full Membership initiation fee. Tennis Membership deposits cannot be transferred to Swim Membership deposits or fees.
The Swim Membership runs from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.
Swim Members have access to the pool and spa only. These memberships do not have access to tennis, the weight room, the sauna, or any other part of the Irvington Club.
The Board shall have the right to terminate and forfeit the membership of any member for cause. A membership shall not be terminated and forfeited unless a written notice has been mailed to the member at the member’s last known address, which notice shall clearly set forth therein the reason for the termination and forfeiture of membership.
If you have any questions regarding a Swim Membership, or to get on the Swim Member Waitlist, please call the Irvington Club at 503-287-8749.
Swim Members have access to the pool and spa only. These memberships do not have access to tennis, the weight room, the sauna, or any other part of the Irvington Club.
Membership Rates – Effective March 1, 2025
- Individual: $718
- Two people: $1163
- Each additional person: $50
- Nanny fee: $67
Miscellaneous Charges
- Guests: $7.00
- Towels: $1.00
- Summer Locker: $25.00