Pool Schedule – The Irvington Club Pool is open May 1st – September 30th, 2025
The 2025 Pool Schedule TBA
Swimming Pool Rules
These policies are made for the safety/benefit of all, in compliance with the State of Oregon
Administrative Rules for Swimming Pools:
• ALL MEMBERS AND GUESTS MUST SIGN IN before entering the pool deck.
• NO RUNNING or ROUGH PLAY. This includes wrestling and sitting on others’ shoulders in the pool.
• NO DIVING, except under the supervision of a certified instructor.
• NO ANIMALS in the pool area except for working service animals.
• All swimmers, including children, must TAKE A CLEANSING SHOWER before entering the pool and after using the toilet. Please wipe off excess lotion/oil before going in the water.
• SWIMMERS MUST WEAR SWIMSUITS. Shorts and sports bras are not to be worn in the pool. Long hair must be secured.
• Swimmers who are not toilet-trained must WEAR A SWIM DIAPER.
• PROTECT OUR WATER — Please do not use the pool if you have had diarrhea in the past two weeks or a disease communicable by water.
• FOOD & DRINK (including chewing gum) can be enjoyed in the pool area MORE THAN FOUR FEET FROM POOLSIDE.
• Patrons may bring FOOD & NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN PLASTIC, WOOD, OR METAL CONTAINERS to the pool deck. No glass, ceramic, or containers or dishes that will shatter are permitted.
• WATER AND ALCOHOL DON’T MIX. No person under the influence of alcohol may use the pool.
• ONLY INFLATABLE BEACH BALLS IN THE POOL. Nothing tennis ball-sized or smaller, and no footballs, soccer balls, etc. are allowed in the pool.
• PLEASE LISTEN AND COMPLY WITH INSTRUCTIONS FROM LIFEGUARDS. They are the most qualified people to make decisions in this environment.
• LIFEGUARDS HAVE FULL AUTHORITY to enforce all regulations and are empowered to ask patrons to leave when pool rules are repeatedly violated.
Passing the Swim Test
Everyone under the age of 18 must pass the swim test to go to the deep end, marked by the rope across the pool. Please find a lifeguard on duty to perform the swim test. As a reminder, lifeguards reserve the right to revoke deep end privilege and/or retest an individual if they start struggling in the deep end, regardless of their age and swim test status.
What is the Swim test?
Why do the lifeguards administer the swim test?
Lap Swimming Lane Reservations
Lanes for lap swimming are reserved similarly to tennis courts in Club Automation. Change the top left dropdown box from “Tennis” to “Swimming Pool” to see the available lanes. Two reservations are available for each lane in each time slot. Lane reservations are 40-60 minutes in length, depending on the time of day. Reserve at ic.clubautomation.com. Lanes may be booked one day in advance, starting at
9:00 a.m. During lap swim, the pool is not guarded. All swimmers should be accompanied by another adult or junior who is at least 14 years old during this time. Adult observers may sit on the deck.
Open Swim
Open Swim is unstructured recreational time at the pool. There are trained lifeguards on duty during all open swim times. Parents and guardians of young swimmers should also remain vigilant. Approved toys and swim accessories are allowed in the pool during Open Swim. Swim accessories must be approved by the lifeguards, and they must be larger than a tennis ball to ensure that they don’t get caught in the pool filters. Hard athletic balls are prohibited for safety reasons. During peak times, patrons may be asked to take large flotation devices out of the water. Adult Swim is a regularly scheduled period at the top of every hour when only patrons over 18 may be in the pool. This time serves as an opportunity for adults to use the pool and also as a break for children to get out of the pool, rehydrate, and take a few minutes out of the sun. Any swimmers wishing to swim in the deep end must pass a swim test proving that they can swim the length of the pool without struggle. Lifeguards will give this lap test during adult swim. Anyone wishing to take the swim test may go to the snack bar to coordinate with the lifeguards. The Irvington Club is not responsible for the loss of valuables at the pool. Lockers are available to rent. Please see the front desk for availability. In the event of a thunderstorm with nearby lightning or other severe weather, the pool may be closed for safety reasons. The pool deck may also be closed for necessary maintenance or staff training events. In the event of any scheduled pool closure, the Club website will be updated with this information at the top of this page
Pool Guest Policies
Members are invited to bring guests to Open Swim. Guests are not allowed during lap swim times. Members may bring up to 4 guests to the pool per membership per visit, as long as an adult member is present. Guests must be accompanied by a member unless accommodations are made in advance with the General Manager. Unaccompanied juniors (ages 11-18) may bring 1 guest each to the pool. The daily guest fee is $7.00 per guest. All guests must sign-in at the snack bar before entering the pool. The snack bar does not accept cash; guest fees will be charged to member accounts. If the pool deck reaches high capacity, Club management will restrict access to Members Only. When this occurs, a notice will be posted on our website: irvingtonclub.com/pool-rules-schedule. The information will also be available at the front desk for call-in purposes.
Food & Drink on the Pool Deck
There’s a variety of food and drink available for purchase at the pool Snack Stand, which can be charged to member accounts. No cash is accepted at the pool. You are invited to bring food and non-alcoholic beverages to the pool, as long as they are in non-breakable (no glass or ceramics) containers. There are gas grills available on a first come, first served basis as well. Beer and wine are available for purchase at the lobby bar and may be enjoyed on the pool deck, but no outside alcohol may be brought onto the premises.
Reserving a Table
One pool deck table will be available daily to reserve during Open Swim. Table reservations may be booked by Members for parties with up to 10 guests on the pool deck for a cost of $20 plus pool guest fees. Call or stop by the front desk to make your reservation.
The spa is located between the first-floor women’s and men’s locker rooms near the pool entrance. The Spa hours are 6:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. The following spa rules are intended for the safety and benefit of all and are in compliance with State of Oregon Administrative Rules. Please familiarize yourself with these policies prior to using the spa. This helps to ensure a safe experience for everyone.
• Take a cleansing shower before entering the spa.
• Swimsuits are required.
• Sign out a key from the front desk for spa access. Return the key when done.
• Feel free to bring a plastic container of water with you to the spa area. Other food and drinks are not permitted in the spa area.
• A maximum of 6 people are permitted in the spa area at any time.
• Always have at least one other person with you in the spa.
• Children aged 3 and under are not yet ready to enter the spa.
• Children and juniors 4-15 must be accompanied by an adult.
• Anyone who suffers from a communicable disease or who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs may not use the spa.
• Pregnant women should not use the spa without consulting their physician.
• 15 minutes in the spa is a safe limit for one session.
• Elderly persons and those suffering from heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or those using prescription medications should consult their physician before using the spa.
• Refrain from running or playing around in the spa area.
• Bare feet or flip-flops are acceptable in the spa enclosure. Please do not wear street shoes in spa area.
Thank you for your cooperation to ensure everyone’s experience in the spa may be safe and enjoyable.
Please call the club at 503-287-8749 for more information.